Staff Performance and Satisfaction Without Boundaries

“All this made possible by my amazing colleagues at Dynamic Business Technologies. Without them this move would either not be happening, or I would be looking for another job.”

These are the words of Greg, one of the DBT family who has made the decision to move his life from the hustle and bustle of the city to an inland country town boasting a population of under 200. It’s not exactly a key focus region for a MSP, in fact it’s a seven hour round trip to our nearest client, so why would we actively support such a move?

We know that remote work options are increasingly becoming a priority for workers around the world, and that for some employers it’s causing issues with staff retention and attraction. Despite most employers wanting their employees back in the office, one in three Australian workers say they would quit their jobs if they had to return to the office on a full-time basis

We also know from first-hand experience that attracting quality staff is incredibly challenging and competitive at the moment. If you have an employee that you value, you can be sure that they’re fielding offers from your competitors on a regular basis. If you’re not looking after them, you’re likely to lose them. We know that our employees field regular, unsolicited offers for their services, and good employees are not easy to replace.

We also know that many employees are more productive working remotely. While research on the topic is mixed there’s no doubt that some people are more comfortable, more efficient, or just happier working from home. If we can get better results from someone working remotely it would be bad business not to let them thrive.

This not to say that there are no negatives to having employees working remotely. Collaboration can feel less natural, the social aspects of a team environment need more work and planning, and there are elements of the work we do that need to be done at the workplaces of our clients, and remote workers may not be able to attend sites. Regardless, any of the above points would be great reasons on their own, let alone collectively.

This move has been a long time in the making, and while it would be a lie to say the above great points were not considered during the journey, it wouldn’t have mattered. Greg was very upfront about his plans, and there was never any hesitation from any of the team in supporting them. The truth is that this is the right move for Greg. He’s a part of our family, and regardless of where he is working from, he’s irreplaceable.

Good workers are valuable, but good people are priceless.

If you’re looking to join a fast paced business that really values its team, reach out to our HR team TODAY

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